Explore our collection of Open Education Policies

Explore our collection

When looking at data collections, one should always keep in mind that “the map is not the territory”. Even though we are continuously working on making the OE Policy Registry as comprehensive and complete as possible, we cannot guarantee that all currently existing policies are actually included. We are therefore dealing with approximations, which are as precise as possible but not with scientific truth.

Providing data on a global scope needs to be a collective endeavour. If you are aware of policies, which are not included in the registry yet, please add it to the Registry or share it with us!

By clicking on the segments of the charts you will be directed to the related entries in the OE Policy Registry. This allows you to verify each chart directly. This functionality also makes it possible using the charts to browse through the provided data set. All search results can be drilled down in the policy registry by setting additional filters allowing you to receive insights specifically on your topic of interest. You can also directly search within the OE Policy Registry.


While policy-making denotes processes with significant relevance for our lives it might be surprising to learn that even experts often do not agree on what a policy actually is.

The OE Policy Registry collects documents which either explicitly claim to be policies or are, according to our experience, indicators of the existence of a policy.

It aims to address the whole policy cycle by collecting policy design documents, strategic documents and recommendations, alongside with funding schemes and legislations.

The effectiveness of a policy is quite difficult to measure, but it can be stated that a policy is only effective, if it triggers or forsters additional activities such as the implementations of projects, which ultimately lead to the provision of open learning materials and infrastructure or to the implementation of open educational practices.

By embedding the OE Policy Registry in the OER World Map it is possible to collect additional information about the context of a policy, e.g. by recording projects or services and linking them to policies if necessary.

Relating data from the registry with data from the World Map confirms that countries which do have many OE/OER policies do have many OER repositories as well.


OE policy-making happens at different political levels.

Most policies can be found at governmental level. While in some countries education falls under the responsibility of the federal government, it is the responsibility of the states in other countries.

Policy-making is also a common approach for Universities and other Higher Education Institutions.

Multi-National policies occur less frequently, but like the recently adopted UNESCO Recommendation on OER can have a strong impact on the development of OE.


Open education Policies can have different scopes depending on their main objective. In most cases we can observe dedicated OE/OER Policies, which focus exclusively on OE/OER.

However, there are policies which only include sections addressing OE/OER. Building on a classification developed by JRC following constellations can be observed:

  • Educational Policies with an OE/OER component
  • Openness policies with an OE/OER component
  • ICT policies with an OE/OER component
  • Labour market policies with an OE/OER component

The OE Policy Registry includes both dedicated OE Policies as well as other policies that include sections on OE/OER.


OE policies cover every educational sector, but due to its independent nature, the higher education sector has the largest number of policies. Schools normally do not tend to develop institutional policies, and most of the school level policies are developed at national or state level.

While a huge share of the included policies can be clearly assigned to a single education sector, many other policies are cross sectoral in the sense, that several sectors are regulated.


While all policies aim to promote OE and/or OER, their addressed dimensions may vary in individual cases.

While some policies focus on one dimension, other policies may address several thematic areas at once..

Depending on the dimensions addressed and their specific combination it is possible to define different profiles of policies.

A large number of policies address either the creation of content, or measures to widen access to education, sometimes addressing special disadvantaged groups.